The Village Toy Drive 2024
Our Mission is to Give Colorado Children a Magical Holiday The Village Toy Drive is Collecting New Toys for Volunteers of America Colorado this Holiday Season Drop off new toys for children 0-18 years at First American State Bank – 8390 E Crescent Parkway, Suite 100,...

Peer-to-Peer Payment Apps: Convenient, but Not Without Risk
Using peer-to-peer (P2P) payment apps like Venmo, Zelle, Google Pay, Cash App or PayPal has become second nature for many. Whether you're splitting the dinner bill, sending money to friends or making small purchases, the ease and speed of these platforms are...

Liesl Sevilla Joins First American State Bank as New Accounts Specialist
GREENWOOD VILLAGE, COLO. – Liesl Sevilla has joined First American State Bank as a New Accounts Specialist, according to Michelle Gruber, vice-president. In her new role, Sevilla will be responsible for identifying new account opportunities, on-boarding new accounts...

Free Flu Shots!
FLU SHOTS FOR CUSTOMERS AND FAMILY MEMBERS Friday, October 4, 2024, 9am-1pm and Friday, October 11, 2024, 9am-12pm FIRST AMERICAN STATE BANK8390 E. Crescent Parkway, Suite 100, Greenwood Village, CO * If you are 65 or older, we will be offering a high dose flu shot...

Are you on-track to meet your annual financial goals?
Are You On-Track to Meet Your Annual Financial Goals? We have five simple steps you can take today to help you gauge your progress First American State Bank is committed to helping our valued customers stay on top of their annual financial goals. We offer a variety...

See our very own, Michelle Gruber, Vice President featured in Colorado Expressions Magazine

Help us Shine!
First American State Bank has recently launched our new social media campaign! Please follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram; where we share industry insights, updates on our services, and thought leadership in the financial sector. Connect with FASB by...

Full FDIC Insurance On Every Dollar On Deposit With Our Bank
We are excited to introduce a new deposit opportunity thatguarantees full FDIC insurance on deposits up to $125 million. If you are at a station in life where prioritizing the return of principal is more important than the return on principal, we have just the deposit...

Evan Smith-Acuna Joins First American State Bank as Vice-President
GREENWOOD VILLAGE, COLO. – Evan Smith-Acuna has joined First American State Bank as vice-president. In his new role, Smith-Acuna will be primarily responsible for lending. “We are excited to have Evan join our team,” said Michelle Gruber, vice president of First...

Investing is an essential financial skill that is beneficial to start educating your children early on the fundamentals
Investing is a powerful financial tool that everyone should understand. The sooner you start teaching your kids the basics, the better! Help your children understand that the goal is to buy when things are inexpensive and sell when they’re worth more. Investing is...